Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins 2023: Key Insights

The Future Food-Tech Alternative Proteins event in New York brought together distinguished experts and industry leaders to delve into the fascinating world of alternative proteins. Our Chief Commercial Officer, Eric Hamborg, had the privilege of attending this event and shared with us the most valuable insights and highlights.

Let’s dive into the exciting developments that unfolded during this thought-provoking gathering.

Cultivated Meat

One key takeaway from the event was the prominent role of cultivated meat in shaping the future of the industry. Discussions revolved around the enormous potential and possibilities that lie ahead in this innovative field. The event showcased a shared vision of transforming the way we produce and consume meat, and how cultivated meat can address sustainability and ethical concerns.

Taste First

A recurring theme throughout the event was the importance of taste when it comes to alternative proteins. Attendees emphasized the need to prioritize taste without compromising on nutrition. This focus on delivering an exceptional culinary experience highlights the industry’s dedication to creating products that not only align with consumers’ preferences but also provide them with the necessary nutrients for a balanced diet.

Mycelium: From Alternative Protein to Whole Food

The event also shed light on the remarkable evolution of mycelium. Once considered solely as an alternative protein, it has now graduated to become a recognized whole food in its own category. Mycelium’s growing acceptance as a versatile and sustainable ingredient opens up new possibilities for its incorporation into various food products. The potential to revolutionize the industry is undeniable. Learn more about our work with meati foods on identifying healthy effect for the whole food, MushroomRoot.

Leveraging AI for Alt-protein Innovation

Companies are officially turning to artificial intelligence to accelerate innovation and gain a deeper understanding of consumer preferences. By harnessing the power of AI, businesses can enhance their ability to innovate, swiftly adapt to changing consumer demands, and create products that resonate with their target audience.

The discussions surrounding cultivated meat, the emphasis on taste alongside nutrition, the recognition of mycelium as a whole food, and the adoption of AI for innovation have set the stage for exciting developments in the alternative protein space.

The food industry is committed to transforming the way we produce and consume food, ensuring a sustainable and delicious future for all. To learn more about how PIPA and partners are working towards a healthier and sustainable food system, visit our partner projects portfolio.

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